Monday, May 19

guess who's back..

So here i am after my long and forced exile.. having foiled amar's pathetic attempt at taking over the blog... sometimes he jus forgets who he's dealing with.. *pats* its allright lil fella.

There's this new thing.. its called impulsive writing.. im not entirely sure if that is the purpose of a blog but then again.. that's wat we do best..

So moving on to my constant i-do-it-2-annoy-u commentary on every post u err.. post. Amar; *pause 4 emphasis* jus when id given up hope on u.. u come up wid something like dat..but then again..u dint come up wid that.. so the worlds all fine again.. and im still Queen. I dunno how u manage 2 be such an a** and still give me a complex..

Ur second post..the one where u go on about the pen..i know how that feels..the urge is so bad it almost hurts.. but then i find myself in a place where all that id wanted to say so badly just disappears over the edge.. with a slight push from my inferiority complex.. this is the point where i stare at the screen or the paper and wonder if im going to say anything at all..

Yes i do realise dt im makin dis blog all bout me... and that im bullyin amar 2 his crying-out-for-his-mama point and that hes being the mature smart half of blamar...
i sure do observe a lotta things...chronic self obsession anyone?

