Friday, March 13

wow the previous post was full of hate...

10 things i love

1 Kolkata..My ppl..humble...lazy as fuck...kolkata knightriders...tantra..the park...someplace else....eden gardens...salt lake stadium...victoria memorial...chowrangee...golpark...park circus...mohun bagan..east everything...u havent lived till uve seen the sunset in the city of joy
2. Arsenal..cant believe they arent first on this undying love and devotion....i want to be buried at highbury...but as i hear its too late...itll jus freak out a few residents..words arent enough...Gooner for life...
3. Day old pizza..solid and it has this zesty mysterious thing goin fer it...have i gone i goin to give u food poisoning
4. My peeps in Muscat...first of all im sorry i called u peeps..i love the fact that we dont act all wannabe gangsta and dont own karama or sharjah and totally never got any chicks.
5. My xbox 360...i love u ..dont ever die on me...esp when i havent saved the game...
6. Samantha Anne Pereira...i owe u so much...ur 6th here but no. 1. in my heart..c i can be corny in public(no one has ever visited this site).
7. My cell phone...8 Gb, video and sometimes acts like a pager...
8. Weed...yup i love weed...not a big fan of Marley tho...go figure
9. needs another site
10. Superman...he wud kick any superhero's/supervillain's butt....i cant believe ppl try to reduce him to some kind of social commentary on how the american ppl were feelin at the time..and how he is redundant as he's not the modern day superhero...he suffers...lois lane doesnt give him enough ching chong...that dude made a bad flick about him reducing his street cred.

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